Wednesday 16 October 2013

Final exam..

Does it makes sense? Yeah it is!! My final exam sudah habis!! Yeahh!! Tapi resultnya keluar as of today! 17 October 2013 bersamaan dengan birthday my mom! Okay selingan kejap. Happy birthday mom. Love you so much! Muahhh muahh!!

Okay sambung balik. Final exam, final exam result. Errr. Apa tadi aku nak kongsi ni. Dah lupa pula. Ohyea. After final exam, semua dok sebok post status kt fb, wechat, bagai apa smua laman web sosial, BYE KOLEJ BYE UOLS. Alamat balik ke kampung masing2  hahahaha! Tapi esok baru kluar result!! Bila da kluar benda tu, tp fail or resit??? Isn't it would be so scary?? I freaked out myself. Aiyoo. It would be such a shame! Deii! Silap laa. Sepatutnya kita say goodbye bila da kluar result. Hahahaha! Lucu. But it happens and I did it too! Hahahahha!

So the conclusion is, never do something that you may not succeed in the future unless you confident enough for not coming back at that college! Everrrr!!! Hahahahha!